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British Rowing Junior Championships 2023

British Rowing Junior Championships 2023

British Rowing Junior Championships 2023

Team WinTech rounded off the competitive season with 27 medals won by athletes and crews including 8 gold medal wins at the British Rowing Junior Championships. Across three days of racing at Strathclyde County Park, Scotland, thousands of juniors from across the UK – and even a few hailing from continental Europe – competed for honours on the national stage over disciplines ranging from J14 to J18.

Our first gold of the weekend came on the Friday, when Sir William Perkins (WinTech International) took the win in the women’s junior 16 double ahead of Trentham Boat Club and RGS Worcester. We rounded off the Friday with another victory in the open junior 18 quads, as the Windsor Boys School (WinTech International) reprised the title they won in 2022.

WJ16 2x Winners – Sir William Pekins’s School
Boat: WinTech International | Photography: AllMarkOne

OJ18 4x- Winners – The Windsor Boys School
Boat: WinTech International | Photography: AllMarkOne

Saturday dawned bright and early and after a series of qualifying races, our first victory came in the women’s junior 15 doubles. Calpe Rowing Club of Gibraltar (WinTech Cobra) came in force for these championships and took the win in this category ahead of Lea Rowing Club and the City of Bristol, who were also racing in a WinTech.

WJ15 2x Winners – Calpe Rowing Club
Boat: WinTech Cobra |Photography: AllMarkOne

In a stellar few minutes, the following race saw a WinTech crew finish first as the Windsor Boys (WinTech International) claimed victory in the open junior 15 coxed quads. Guildford, in bronze, were also representing the WinTech International shell. Our next win came in the open junior 16 coxless quads, as Grange School (WinTech Cobra) sculled home to a triumph ahead of Kingston Grammar School and the Windsor Boys School (also in a WinTech).

OJ15 4x+ Winners – The Windsor Boys’ School
Boat: WinTech International | Photography: AllMarkOne

OJ16 4x- Winners – The Grange School
Boat: WinTech Cobra SE | Photography: AllMarkOne

The following afternoon, our first of three golds came from Mark Wilkinson’s cohort as the Windsor Boys School (WinTech International) took the win in the open junior 14 coxed quads, which completed the set for male quad scull WinTech wins (75% of which also went to the Windsor Boys School).

OJ14 4x+ Winners – The Windsor Boys’ School
Boat: WinTech International | Photography: AllMarkOne

In the following race, WinTech shells placed in gold and silver as Cantabrigian finished first and City of Bristol second in the women’s junior 14 doubles (both in WinTech Internationals). Our final win of the weekend came courtesy of yet another Windsor Boys triumph; they were winners in the open junior 18 coxless fours ahead of Great Marlow School and Aberdeen Schools’ Rowing Association.

WJ14 2x Winners – Cantabrigian RC
Boat: WinTech International | Photography: AllMarkOne

OJ18 4- Winners – The Windsor Boys’ School
Boat: WinTech International | Photography: AllMarkOne

WinTech crews were involved in a further 19 medals, including ten silvers and nine bronzes. Highlights included finishing second and third in the women’s junior 14 quads (Great Marlow School and City of Bristol in WinTech Internationals respectively) and open junior 18 pairs (Claires Court School and Nottinghamshire Counties Rowing Association in WinTech Internationals respectively).

Team WinTech have enjoyed yet another spectacular year of racing, culminating in a wonderful three days at the national junior championships. We look forward to supporting junior, U23 and senior athletes on the international circuit this summer and will be ready for another brilliant season from September onwards.

Rank Event Class Club Boat
Gold OJ18 4x- 4x- The Windsor Boys’ School WinTech International
Gold OJ18 4- 4- The Windsor Boys’ School WinTech International
Gold OJ16 4x- 4x- The Grange School WinTech Cobra SE
Gold OJ15 4x+ 4x+ The Windsor Boys’ School WinTech International
Gold OJ14 4x+ 4x+ The Windsor Boys’ School WinTech International
Gold WJ16 2x 2x Sir William Perkins’s School WinTech International
Gold WJ15 2x 2x Calpe RC WinTech Cobra
Gold WJ14 2x 2x Cantabirigian RC WinTech International
Silver WJ14 4x+ 4x+ Great Marlow School WinTech International
Silver OJ18 2x 2x Chester Le Street WinTech International
Silver WJ18 2x 2x Evesham RC WinTech International
Silver OJ18 2- 2- Claires Court School WinTech International
Silver OJ16 2- 2- Newark RC WinTech International
Silver WJ16 2- 2- Hinksey Sculling School WinTech Competitor
Silver WJ14 2x 2x Bristol City WinTech International
Silver WJ18 1x 1x Kingston Grammar School WinTech International
Silver OJ16 1x 1x The Grange School WinTech International
Silver WJ16 1x 1x Evesham RC WinTech International
Bronze OJ16 4x- 4x- The Windsor Boys’ School WinTech International
Bronze OJ15 4x+ 4x+ Guildford RC WinTech International
Bronze WJ14 4x+ 4x+ Bristol City WinTech International
Bronze OJ18 2- 2- Notts County RA WinTech International
Bronze WJ18 2- 2- Notts County RA WinTech International
Bronze OJ16 2x 2x Windsor Boys A WinTech Cobra SE FLX
Bronze OJ15 2x 2x Shanklin Sandown RC WinTech International
Bronze WJ15 2x 2x Bristol City WinTech International
Bronze WJ15 1x 1x Calpe RC WinTech International

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