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Measuring & Adjusting Footstretcher Angle

Measuring & Adjusting Footstretcher Angle

Measuring & Adjusting Footstretcher Angle

The leg drive is one of the most important aspects of the stroke, and it can be dramatically affected by the footstrechers. If the angle is too low, it could shorten the recovery and put unnecessary strain on the ankles. If it is too high, it could prove difficult to control the slide while returning to the catch. To ensure your footstrechers are properly angled within 1-2 degrees of the standard 42 degree tilt, follow these quick and easy steps

  • Before you get started, there is one thing to keep in mind. Some of the older style boats use spacers to adjust the footstretcher angle, rather than the rotating knob and clamp setup in newer boats and the example used in this tutorial. The spacer method includes three different sized spacers to be used on their own, or in combinations depending on the angle you want. The widest spacer changes the angle by 2 degrees, the medium-thickness spacer changes it by 1 degree, and the thinnest changes it by 0.5 degrees.
  • To get accurate measurements, you will need the level app built into most phones today. It uses the gyroscopic technology within the phone to allow you to get to-the-degree measurements on any slanted surface.
  • First, zero your phone level against the gunwale of the boat.
  • Next, place the side of your phone against the footstretcher to check the current angle of the footstretcher.
  • Then, unscrew the tubenut or wingnut from the bottom track to allow access to the lower footstretcher components.
  • Proceed to remove the black clamp from the central, red knob.
  • With the clamp removed, rotate the knob to your desired angle.
  • After that, reattach the black clamp to the red knob without upsetting the knob’s new angle.
  • With the clamp resecured, reattach the lower footstretcher to the bottom track bolt.
  • Next, check your work by zeroing your phone level on the gunwales again and placing the side of your phone against the newly adjusted footstretchers.
  • Lastly, resecure the tubenut or wingnut you removed in step 3 to the bottom track bolt over the lower footstretcher components. After that, you will be ready to row.